What makes a great leader? One common trait that rises above the rest is their ability to continue moving forward in spite of the obstacles and stressors along the way, or in other words, their resilience in times of constant change. Resilience is more than just character. It is a skill that can be cultivated by leaders to face the ever-changing landscape of the world. By enhancing resilience, leaders can not only learn how to navigate through the constant organizational change they encounter on a daily basis but improve their personal and social life as well. To further understand how resilient leaders come to be, we need to look into the foundation of it all – the human brain.
The Resilient Brain
Researchers in the fields of neuroscience and psychology have attempted to uncover whether there are observable differences between the brains of people who have stronger personal resilience compared to others. In a 2019 study led by neuroscientist Dr. Laura Moreno-Lopez from the University of Cambridge, they discovered that there were physical differences in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala, which are the regions of the brain crucial in producing, processing, and regulating emotions. These findings support a 2018 study which revealed that resilient individuals had less brain connectivity, especially in the amygdala - related to fear learning - compared to others indicating a possible isolation of this emotional reaction center. Though studies on the resilient brain are incremental and sparse, their results open the possibilities of future research and studies of how brain development can mold resilient leaders in times of constant change.
Developing Neuroplasticity
A key concept in understanding the relationship between resilience and brain development is neuroplasticity - the brain’s ability to grow, adapt, and change by forming new neurons and networks in the brain throughout one’s life. This capacity is what allows individuals to change dysfunctional thought patterns, develop new mindsets, and acquire new skills and abilities. While previous studies have suggested that the brain’s neuroplasticity declines significantly after childhood, recent research has shown that the brain remains plastic and adaptable throughout life, provided that it is continuously challenged and stimulated in the right ways. Many practices have been identified to enhance neuroplasticity including meditation, exercise, and continuous learning, among others. It has also been shown that exceptional leadership can be traced because of improved neuroplasticity. Due to the nature of the role, leaders need to practice quick thinking, strategy, decision making, and emotional resilience to navigate and address the constant organizational changes and developments to ensure the health and wellbeing of the organization and the people.
Implications on Leadership Today
The field of neuroscience has been making waves in the world of leadership, unveiling groundbreaking discoveries into the intricate connections between brain development and effective leadership practices. One study even went as far as scanning the brains of leaders and decision makers to see how they are wired differently compared to others. Resilient leaders are known to have increased cognitive flexibility, stronger emotional regulation, and an enhanced ability to empathize with one’s team, compared to their peers. By applying this knowledge of how the brain works when it comes to developing one’s personal resilience, leaders can use these principles for their own growth as well as teaching and mentoring their people on how to better handle work stress, organizational changes, and whatever life may throw at them.
In conclusion, the study of resilient leadership using a neuroscientific lens offers leaders additional opportunities to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success. By understanding and leveraging neuroplasticity, leaders can cultivate their personal resilience as well as organizational resilience, paving the way for more effective leadership and healthy organizations in a constantly changing world.